The Second Serbian Uprising

The second stage of the Serbian revolution against the Turkish empire came about soon after the failure of the first one, when the Serbs were enslaved once again. The Second Uprising resulted in gaining a limited independence from the Ottoman Empire. The Serbian Principality was founded with its assembly, constitution and its own royal dynasty. Unlike other lords of the First Serbian Uprisng, Мilоš Оbrеnоvić decided to stay in the country, accepting a title of a high ranking prince. After squashing the First Uprising, the Turks were very suspicious, tightening their rule over Serbia.

In March 1815, the national leaders had several meetings and decided to start a new revolt. The Second Serbian Uprising was officially proclaimed at a meeting in Takovo on 23 April. Мilоš Оbrеnоvić was elected leader. Оn that occasion he said the famous sentence, I am here, you are here – war with the Turks!

This time, the fights did not last as long as in the First Uprising. The same year, Мilоš undertook political negotiations with Маrаshli Аli Pasha in order to put through the Serbian interests. And in the following year, the Ottoman Empire passed several important documents on settling the relations with the Serbs.


The National Museum of Belgrade keeps a famous painting The Takovo Revolt by Pајa Јоvаnоvić.


Таkоvо – a place where the revolt started. The most important battles of the Second Serbian Uprising were fought at Ljubić, Čаčаk, Pаlеž, Pоžаrеvаc and Dublје.


The revolt ended in less than three years. The Turkish army regained the lost positions, but the Serbian diplomacy won the final battle: the Ottoman Empire recognised the Serbian Principality. The new country had to pay an annual tax to Turkey and to maintain the Turkish army, but in all other aspects, it was independent.


Мilоš Оbrеnоvić