
Call for new Serbian code researchers

The Book of Serbian code and this web site is the beginning of one process. We have set the first level of exploration of lasting Serbian character and cultural characteristics, as do the Serbian specificity within the family of the world peoples. To go to another level, we need new benevolent associates.

Serbs usually talk about themselves the best or the worst, and the real researchers are missing. Of course, the Serbian researcher that is needed in this survey should not necessarily be cold „impartial“. A dose of love for its people is necessary. A man without love cannot know anything about himself or anyone else. Only love allows us to meet ourselves, people around them, our people, other people and people. Because love does not mean blindness, but more peaceful and deeper perception, we need to meet both good traits and flaws, both our own and our people. In order to look at it, it is necessary to take a moment to place yourself in the position of someone looking at the side, but in good faith, with love.

We recommend to everyone interested to order the book of Serbian code or to go directly to the side of the project where I can find instructions for using this site.