The St Archangel Michael’s Day is celebrated on 8 November by the Julian calendar, or on 21 November by the Gregorian one. For ages people celebrated the God’s angels, but it often turned to their worshiping. Pagans, but also some among the heretics, considered them gods and creators of the world.
Directly before the First Ecumenical Assembly in the 4th century, the Church established proper reverence of angels.
God first created an invisible world of angels. Angels are divided into nine orders in concentrated circles around God and toward the created world and are a link between God and people. Archangel Michael is the commander of the celestial army of angels. The Bible and the Holy Bible and the Legend remember his miraculous historic deeds.
In Hebrew Michael means ‘who is like God’.
When celebrating St Michael’s or St Elijah’s day it is wrong not to cook the wheat, with a pretext that wheat is not made for a “living saint”. All the saints are living. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive. (Luke 20, 38). Wheat is not for their death, but for the glory of God and their memory, for health of those who have made it and for the deceased members of the family.