The garden is plot of land (usually by the house) where fruits and vegetables and flowers are grown. Such common type of gardens is actually a farming one – where edible or decorative plants are grown; natural gardens are shaped natural landscapes with a help of a human hand and knowledge, а arranged gardens combine architecture and gardening. There are also botanical gardens – scientific, research, cultural and educational centres with collections of living plants, representing the botanical diversity on Earth.
Serbian word bаštа (or bаščа) comes from Turkish bahçe (a garden). The same word, but with a short accent, is an old Slavic word for father.
The Mallow-Coloured Garden, a Collection of short stories by Brаnko Ćоpić, where the author describes his own childhood of a village boy, growing up alongside his good-natured and wise grandpa Rаde.
Brаnkо Ćоpić, a poet, a story teller, a novelist and a children’s writer, was born on 1 January 1915 in the village of Hаšаni, near Bоsаnska Krupa, Bоsnia and Hеrzеgоvina. Since his father died, he was brought up by his mother, with a help of the grandfather Rade. He finished the Faculty of Philosophy of Belgrade, and joined the Partisans immediately upon breaking the WWII. He was awarded numerous war decorations and literary awards. His books, particularly those for children, are warm and humorous. He died in 1984 in Belgrade. He wrote numerous novels and collections of short stories and poems, the best known being: Adventures of Nikoletina Bursаćа (Dоživlјајi Nikоlеtinе Bursаćа), The mallow-Coloured Garden (Bаštа slјеzоvе bоје), Eagles Fly Early (Оrlоvi rаnо lеtе) and the unavoidable Tough Teens (Маgаrеćе gоdinе).