A great Serbian uprising against the Turkish rule in the Belgrade Pashalik was organised in 1804, and lasted for the following nine years. In the early 19th century, the janissary officers, the dahi, breaking with the Turkish sultan, took over the command over Belgrade and they ruled with unrestrained brutality. The circumstances created by the terror incited all the Serbian population to unite. In January 1804 the dahi discovered that the Serbs were preparing a revolt and consequently slaughtered the leaders, the event known as the “slaughter of the elders” (Sеčа knеzоvа). In February 1804, at a gathering in Оrаšac near Аrаnđеlоvac, Kаrаđоrđе Pеtrоvić was elected revolt leader. He sent a message to all the eminent Serbs to organise a rebellion against the foreign rule. In Аpril 1804, the whole of Šumаdiја was cleared of the Turks – they were pushed back to towns and fortresses. The rebels move on Belgrade and in 1806 the city was liberated.
The very size of the revolt made the Turskih authorities pretty anxious and in the following year they sent an army against the Serbs. After their first victories over the imperial army, the Serbian revolt against the dahi turned into a full blown uprising against the Turks. The uprising gained the proportions of a national revolution for liberation from the centuries-old servitude and for the reestablishment of the Serbian state. The foundations of the state in the rebellious Serbia were set up with the establishment of the National Assembly, the government or the Governing Council (Prаvitеlјstvuјušči sоvјеt) and in setting up a legal code
Оrаšаc – the place where the revolt started. The first victories over the Turkish imperial army were accomplished in summer 1805 in the battles Ivаnkоvac and Pаrаćin, central Serbia. Great victories were also made in the battles of Dеligrаd and – with the Russian help – of Vаrvаrin, and in the western Serbia in the battles of Мišаr and Lоznica. In 1913, the Turks attacked from south, east and west. In October the same year, they took over Belgrade.
The fall of the revolt starts in 1812, when the Russians withdraw their support, as they had to defend the country from Napoleon’s invasion.
Kаrаđоrđе Pеtrоvić, Јаnkо Kаtić, Vаsа Čаrаpić, Stаnоје Glаvаš, Vеlјkо Pеtrоvić, priest Lukа Lаzаrеvić, Мilеnkо Stојkоvić, Pеtаr Dоbrnjаc, priest Маtеја Nеnаdоvić.