The Serbian ruling dynasty of the Stеfаn Nеmаnja lineage, although his ancestors also ruled in Rаška as Grand Princes. The Nеmаnjićs ruled the Serbian lands continuously 1168 to 1371, and during that period Serbia saw its best period. The country grew in all the fields, politically, commercially, religiously and culturally and on several occasions was the most powerful in south-eastern Europe. The main ruling lineage of the Nеmаnjićs is the one that goes from Nеmаnja, over his second son Stephen the First-Crowned (Grand Prince and King 1196–1227), his sons Rаdоslаv (King 1227–1231), Vlаdislаv (king 1234–1243), Urоš (king 1243–1276), Urоš’s sons Drаgutin and Мilutin (King 1282–1321), Мilutin’s son Stephen of Dеčаni (King 1321–1331), his son Dušаn (King 1331–1345, Tsar 1345–1355) and Dušаn’s son Urоš (Tsar 1355–1371), when the male royal Nеmаnjićs line died out. Among the numerous monasteries as their endowments, the most important ones are Žičа, Studеnicа, Мilеšеvа, Sоpоćаni, Hilаndаr, Grаčаnicа, Bаnjskа, Visоki Dеčаni, … Many of the Nеmаnjićs went to monasteries – some at an old age, and some dedicated their whole lives to God
In the eight Nеmаnjić generations along the male line, we know more than sixty names and the Serbs celebrate 19 of them as saints, but there were more, including the female progeny. Besides Nеmаnja (St Simeon the Myrrh-Streamer), St Sаva, Stephen the First-Crowned (Venerable Simоn) Urоš I Nеmаnjić – monk Simеоn (14/1 May), archbishop Sаvа II (21 February), King Drаgutin – monk Тhеоktist (12 November/30 October), Holy King Мilutin (also 12 November/30 October), Holy King Stеphen of Dеčаni (24/11 November) …
The Holy House of Nеmаnjić, a fresco in the Dеčаni Monastery, in the Pеć Patriarchy narthex and in the Grаčаnicа Monastery.