To be famous in Serbs means to be known to everyone, but for the good deeds. There are Serbs known to everyone both in Serbia and the world but are not famous. Perhaps the only Serb celebrated both in the world and in Serbia is Nikola Tesla, who spent the best part of his life in America. Fame is fleeting, but people famous in the world for their good deeds were a scientist Мihаilо Pupin, a Nobel Prize winner Ivо Аndrić (both Serbs and Croats consider him to belong to their nation), and in recent times the sportsmen: Vlаdе Divаc, a basketball player, Nоvаk Đоkоvić, a tennis player, Nеmаnjа Vidić, a football player, Еmir Kusturicа, a film director.
In the movie world, also famous was an actor Kаrl Маldеn (a stage name for Мlаdеn Sеkulić, from Bilеća in Hеrzеgоvinа), the only Serbian Academy Award winner as an actor, then there is also an Academy Award winner, a film director of Serbian origin Petеr Bоgdаnоvich, and a screenwriter Steve Tesich. Some sportsmen and politicians of Serbian origin were also famous in the USA, where a good part of the Serbian diaspora settled.
Human fame is fleeting. For the Serbs, also famous are Мilоš Оbilić and the emperor Dušаn and Vоivоde Živојin Мišić, but also singers, other celebrities and athletes, and most of them will soon be forgotten.
The most famous Serbs of eternal glory before God and people is the father of the Serbian nation, St Sаvа.