It is a town in Serbia, Province of Vojvodina, on the Danube bank, sonly a few kilometres from Novi Sad. The population is somewhat less than 10,000, but its is one of the major spots in Serbian history.
Renown buildings of Sremski Karlovci: the Karlovac Grammar School, Theologian School of St Arsenije Sremac, the Town Hall, The Patriarchate Palace, the St Nicholas Cathedral, the Roman Catholic Holy Trinity Church, the Four Lions Fountain, the Chapel of Peace.
Sremski Karlovci was the town where Branko Radičević, one of the greatest poets of the Serbian Romanticism, lived and sang about the town.
The region was settled by the Serbs in the Ottoman times. At that times, in the Ottoman Empire, there was not a town or city with more Serbian inhabitants than in Sremski Karlovci. As early as in the 16th century there was a Serbian monastery and three churches.
Sremski Karlovci are the place of the 1699 peace negotiations, when the relations between the Ottomans and the European allied forces were finally resolved. It was then that for the first time in the international politics an expression “the round table” was used. At that time, Sremski Karlovci was the part of the military frontier, mostly populated with Serbs. It was the spiritual, political and cultural centre for the Serbs living in the Austro-Hungarian empire. This was the seat of the Serbian Metropolitan, later on the Patriarch.
Ovde je krajem XVIII veka otvorena prva srpska gimnazija, a tri godine kasnije i bogoslovija. Ovo je, posle kijevske, druga najstarija bogoslovija te vrste u pravoslavnom svetu. Obe ove obrazovne institucije postoje i danas.
Here, in 1848, the National Parliament declared the Serbian Vojvodina. Later on, when the seat was moved to Timisoara, Sremski Karlovci found itself outside the region and part of the then Slavonia Frontier.
After the WWI, once again Sremski Karlovci became a part of Serbia.