Here is a haiduk that history does not record anything about. Everything we know about him is said in the song, where Rаdојicа is presented as an example of heroic endurance while being tortured. A hаiduk is capable of withstanding the most atrocious torture, but yields under the charms of a beautiful Turkish girl. However, the girls is not indifferent, either, so – after breaking out from the bondages, with her help, he marries the converted girl, who changes her name from Hаykuna to Аnđеliја. So says the song. But in reality, such a thing would practically be impossible under the Ottoman rule – anyone converted from Islam to Christianity would be executed.
Teacher: Tell us, please, when was it the hardest for Little Radoyitsa while he was tortured?
Pupil: Well, when they burnt all his furniture, so he was left with nothing.
Teacher: Wait a minute, what furniture?! Where did read about the furniture?
Pupil: Well, that’s what the song says.
Teacher: But where?!
Pupil: Here it is, “They built a fire on his chest”.
Folk epic song, Little Radojica (Маli Rаdојicа).