The Blue Tomb (Plаvа grоbnicа) is the name for a coastal sea stretch around the island of Vido, near Corfu. Here, in the First World War, the Serbian soldiers were buried at sea when there was not more room on Vido. A huge number of heroes succumbed to illnesses and total physical and psychological exhaustion.
This tragic place inspired a poet, Мilutin Bојić to write his famous poem the Blue Tomb. Мilutin Bојić (1892-1917) was a Serbian poet, dramatist and a literary critic. He participated in the wars of that time and personally witnessed how the allied forces ships take away a huge number of bodies which at the sound of military trumpets would to be buried at sea. On that occasion he wrote 34 poems for the collection “Poems of Anguish and Pride”, published in Salonika. He died in Salonika when he was just 25 and was buried on the Serbian military cemetery, Zеitinlik.