Trumpet, as a worn-out instrument of battles and military barracks, came to Serbia after the First World war. They were brought by soldiers trumpeters, “the signallers”. Soon, circuit dance music and songs were played, and instead of the last post or battle calls, a trumpet started to be a symbol of festivity. In the period between the two wars, in the hill of western Serbia, there was not a village without trumpeters. For that reasons, the trumpet festival is held in Guča, Dragačevo.
The best trumpeters of Serbia come from three regions: the Western Serbia (the Zlatibor-Dragačevo ones), the Southern Serbia (Vranje) and the Eastern Serbia (the Wallachians).
Especially famous are the Romani trumpeters of the Vranje area. One can hardly think of a folk festivity in Serbia without trumpeters – whether a wedding celebration, or send-off parties of young men going to the army or a sports match winning celebration. There is a popular saying in Vranje, dead sick got up to listen to the Vranje trumpet.
Composition for trumpeters: Sa Ovčara i Kablara (From Ovčar and Kablar), Đurđevdan (St George’s Day), Mesečina (Moonlight), Izgubljeno jagnje (A Lost Lamb), Vranjski čoček (The Vranje Chochek)
Vranje, Western Serbia, Eatern Serbia
Bakija Bakić, Fejat Sejdić, Ekrem Mamutović, Boban Marković